Is Calathea Zebrina Toxic to Cats? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’re a cat owner and a plant enthusiast, you might be wondering if Calathea zebrina, also known as the zebra plant, is safe to keep around your furry friends.

In this article, we’ll explore the topic of Calathea zebrina and cats, including what makes this particular plant potentially harmful to felines, how to identify and care for Calathea zebrina, and what you can do to prevent your cat from getting sick from this plant.

Is Calathea Zebrina Toxic to Cats

Calathea zebrina is a beautiful and unique houseplant that’s popular among plant lovers. However, it’s important to note that this plant is toxic to cats.

Ingesting any part of the Calathea zebrina plant can cause your cat to experience a range of symptoms, from vomiting and diarrhea to more serious issues like kidney failure. As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential dangers of this plant and take steps to protect your cat from exposure.

Key Takeaways

  • Calathea zebrina is toxic to cats and can cause a range of symptoms, from vomiting to kidney failure.
  • To protect your cat from exposure to Calathea zebrina, keep the plant out of reach and consider using pet-safe alternatives.
  • It’s important to identify and care for Calathea zebrina properly to prevent your cat from getting sick.

Calathea Zebrina Toxic to Cats

Calathea Zebrina is a popular houseplant that can be toxic to cats if ingested. The plant contains insoluble calcium oxalates, which can cause irritation and swelling in the mouth, tongue, and throat of cats.

This can lead to drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. In severe cases, it can even cause respiratory distress.

To keep your cat safe from Calathea Zebrina, consider the following tips:

  • Keep the plant out of reach: Place the plant in an area that your cat can’t access, such as a high shelf or a room that your cat doesn’t have access to.
  • Monitor your cat: If you notice your cat showing any signs of illness, such as vomiting or drooling, take them to the vet immediately.
  • Consider alternative plants: If you’re looking for a cat-safe houseplant, consider alternatives such as spider plants, Boston ferns, or bamboo.

It’s important to note that not all cats will have a reaction to the Calathea Zebrina plant, and the severity of the reaction can vary from cat to cat. However, it’s best to err on the side of caution and keep your cat away from the plant.

If you suspect that your cat has ingested Calathea Zebrina, contact your veterinarian immediately. They can advise you on the best course of action to take.

Understanding Calathea Zebrina

Calathea zebrina is a tropical plant that is native to Brazil and is a member of the Marantaceae family. The plant is known for its unique zebra-like pattern on its dark green leaves with bold white stripes. The leaves are oval-shaped and can grow up to 12 inches in length. The underside of the leaves is a deep purple color, which adds to the plant’s unique appearance.

If you are considering adding a Calathea zebrina to your home, it is important to note that the plant is non-toxic to cats and other pets, as stated under the toxic plant database issued by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. However, the zebra plant saps can irritate some people with sensitive skin or certain allergies.

To care for your Calathea zebrina, it is important to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. The plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight and high humidity. It is also important to avoid exposing the plant to drafts or temperatures below 60°F.

Here is a table summarizing the features of Calathea zebrina:

Common NameZebra plant
Scientific NameCalathea zebrina or Goeppertia zebrina
Native toBrazil
Leaf ColorDark green with bold white stripes
Leaf ShapeOval-shaped
Leaf SizeUp to 12 inches in length
Underside of LeavesDeep purple
Pet-friendlyNon-toxic to cats and other pets
CareKeep soil moist but not waterlogged, bright indirect sunlight, high humidity, avoid drafts or temperatures below 60°F

By following these care instructions, you can enjoy the stunning foliage of the Calathea zebrina without worrying about harming your furry friend.

Habitat and Care for Calathea Zebrina

Calathea Zebrina is a tropical plant that is native to the rainforests of Brazil, where it grows in the understory of the forest. In its natural habitat, the plant thrives in warm and humid environments with bright, indirect sunlight.

If you’re growing Calathea Zebrina at home, it’s important to replicate these conditions as closely as possible.


To keep your Calathea Zebrina healthy and happy, here are some tips to follow:

  • Water: Calathea Zebrina prefers to be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other problems, so be careful not to water too much.
  • Humidity: Calathea Zebrina requires high humidity levels to thrive. Consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near the plant to increase humidity. You can also mist the leaves regularly to increase humidity levels.
  • Light: Calathea Zebrina prefers bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid placing the plant in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves. If the plant doesn’t receive enough light, it may not grow as well or may become leggy.
  • Soil: Calathea Zebrina prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A good potting mix for this plant should include peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite.
  • Fertilizer: Feed your Calathea Zebrina with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season. Be careful not to over-fertilize, as this can lead to fertilizer burn.
  • Toxicity: According to Pet Care Advisors, Calathea Zebrina is non-toxic to cats, horses, and dogs. However, it’s always a good idea to keep pets away from plants to avoid any potential problems.

Taking care of Calathea Zebrina can be a rewarding experience. With the right habitat and care, your plant can thrive and add beauty to your home.

Cats and Plants

It’s important to know which plants are toxic to your cat so you can keep them out of reach. Here are some common plants that are toxic to cats:

Symptoms of Toxicity
Plant Name
Calathea zebrinaVomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite
LilyKidney failure
Aloe veraVomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors
PothosOral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea
Sago PalmLiver failure

If you have any of these plants in your home, it’s essential to keep them out of reach of your cat. If you suspect your cat has ingested any part of a toxic plant, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Why Cats Are Attracted to Plants

Cats are attracted to plants for several reasons. First, plants provide a source of entertainment for cats. They love to play with the leaves and stalks, and some cats even enjoy chewing on them.

Second, plants provide a source of mental stimulation for cats. They enjoy exploring new scents and textures, and plants provide a variety of both. Finally, plants provide a source of nutrition for cats. Some cats enjoy grazing on grass and other plants to aid in digestion.

It’s natural for cats to be attracted to plants, but it’s crucial to ensure that the plants in your home are safe for your cat. If you’re unsure whether a plant is toxic to cats, it’s best to err on the side of caution and keep it out of reach.

Preventing Cat Exposure to Calathea Zebrina

Calathea Zebrina is a beautiful plant that can add a touch of nature to your home décor. However, if you are a cat owner, you need to be aware that this plant is not safe for your feline friend.

While Calathea Zebrina is not toxic to cats, it can still cause gastrointestinal distress if ingested in large amounts. Here are some tips to prevent your cat from being exposed to Calathea Zebrina:

Place the plant in an area that is out of reach of your cat

Cats are curious creatures and love to explore their surroundings. If your cat can reach the plant, they may be tempted to nibble on the leaves, which can cause gastrointestinal distress.

You can place the plant on a high shelf or in a room that your cat does not have access to. Alternatively, you can hang the plant from the ceiling or use a plant stand to keep it out of your cat’s reach.

Train your cat to stay away from the plant

Cats can be trained to avoid certain areas or objects. You can use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats or toys, to encourage your cat to stay away from the plant.

You can also use a deterrent spray, such as bitter apple spray, to discourage your cat from nibbling on the leaves. Be consistent with your training and reward your cat for good behavior.

Provide your cat with alternative sources of entertainment

Cats love to play and explore. If your cat has plenty of toys and activities to keep them occupied, they will be less likely to be interested in the plant.

You can provide your cat with scratching posts, interactive toys, and puzzle feeders to keep them entertained. This will not only keep your cat away from the plant but also provide them with mental and physical stimulation.

Keep an eye on your cat

Even if you have taken all the necessary precautions, accidents can still happen. If you notice that your cat has ingested any part of the plant, monitor them closely for any signs of gastrointestinal distress.

If your cat shows any symptoms, such as vomiting or diarrhea, contact your veterinarian immediately. Early intervention can prevent serious health issues.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your cat stays safe and healthy while still enjoying the beauty of Calathea Zebrina in your home. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to keeping your cat safe from plant toxicity. With a little bit of effort and attention, you can create a safe and happy environment for your furry friend.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Calatheas Poisonous to Cats?

No, Calatheas are not poisonous to cats. According to the ASPCA, Calatheas are non-toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. However, ingesting the plant can cause mild stomach irritation in cats, which may result in vomiting and diarrhea. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s best to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Why Does My Cat Eat My Calathea?

Cats are curious creatures and may be attracted to the texture and taste of Calathea leaves. However, if your cat is frequently eating your Calathea, it may indicate a nutritional deficiency or boredom. Make sure your cat’s diet is well-balanced and provide them with plenty of toys and activities to keep them entertained.

Is Calathea Zebrina Pet Friendly?

Yes, Calathea Zebrina is pet-friendly and non-toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. However, as mentioned earlier, ingesting the plant can cause mild stomach irritation in cats.

Is Calathea Toxic to Humans?

No, Calathea is not toxic to humans. However, it’s best to avoid ingesting the plant as it may cause stomach discomfort.

Are Calathea Plants Easy to Care for?

Calathea plants require a bit of care, but they are not difficult to maintain. They prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and avoid letting the plant sit in standing water. Calathea plants also benefit from occasional misting to increase humidity levels.

Is Calathea Pet Friendly?

Yes, Calathea plants are pet-friendly and non-toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. However, as mentioned earlier, ingesting the plant can cause mild stomach irritation in cats. It’s always best to monitor your pets around plants and contact your veterinarian if you notice any unusual symptoms.

Overall, Calathea plants are a great addition to any home and can add a touch of greenery to your space. Just make sure to keep them out of reach of curious pets and provide them with the care they need to thrive.


In conclusion, Calathea zebrina is a non-toxic plant that is safe for your feline friends. As a cat owner, it’s essential to know which plants are safe for your pets and which ones are not. Calathea zebrina is part of the Calathea family, which includes more than 60 species and 300 cultivars that are non-harmful to cats and other pets.

It’s important to note that even though Calathea zebrina is non-toxic, it’s still essential to keep it out of your cat’s reach. Cats are curious creatures and may still chew on the plant, which can cause digestive issues. If you notice any signs of discomfort or illness in your cat, take them to the vet immediately.

If you’re looking for other non-toxic plants to add to your home, consider the following:

  • Spider plant
  • Boston fern
  • African violet
  • Bamboo palm
  • Money tree

These plants are not only safe for your pets but also add a touch of greenery to your home.

In summary, Calathea zebrina is a safe and beautiful plant to add to your home. As a cat owner, it’s crucial to be aware of which plants are safe for your pets and which ones are not. By doing so, you can create a safe and comfortable environment for both you and your furry friends.

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